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Biblical Hebrew text cool

Hebrew and Greek Instruction

Lingua Deo Gloria exists to serve the people of God by providing free, online teaching and producing free Biblical Hebrew and Greek resources. These comprehensible input tools assist Christians in their study of the Scriptures. 



A Visual Reader

This work serves Biblical Hebrew students by presenting "Comprehensible Input" (i.e. the use of intuitive pictures and margin notes to help serve readers). Students will feel more comfortable with the Hebrew language and enjoy reading the text without difficult translation

In the Beginning

A Child's Beginner Book of Biblical Greek

This is our second and newly published children's book. This Biblical Greek picture book, full of attractive illustrations, opens up the biblical world to people of all ages, from the youngest to the oldest. With this book, Biblical Greek can be learned for fun with children at home, while relaxing in the backyard or sitting around the fireplace. We strive to combine learning Greek with family life and show the beauty of spending time with our children. Our goal is to build up the church of Jesus Christ and Glorify God.


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