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                                                                                                         exists to serve the church of Jesus Christ. Learning the biblical languages is imperative for a proper interpretation of the Word of God.  Deep love for the glory of God and the advancement of the gospel of Christ is central to our labors. Therefore, we teach free live Hebrew courses and produce free Hebrew and Greek resources for the benefit of the global Church. Our name in Latin has two subjects ("Lingua" and "Gloria") unlike the famous Reformation phrase "Soli Deo Gloria" which has only one. However, these two subjects are central focuses of our mission: to teach languages to the church for the glory of God.

Lingua Deo Gloria

Philosophy of Teaching

Why the biblical languages and why a book?  The Scriptures, containing the Hebrew Bible and the Greek New Testament, reveal the glory of the immortal God. There is no other way to know God in a saving relationship than to know God through Christ Jesus, as we learn about him in the Scriptures. Because of this, it is imperative that Christians continue to study the original languages to know their authorial intent for teaching the Church the incomparable riches of Christ.


Since studying the original languages is ultimately an access point to studying the Scriptures, we take this task seriously. Teaching Hebrew and Greek is important and, therefore, by necessity, how we teach those languages is also important. If Christians teach these wonderful languages in a difficult and challenging way, it will instill exhaustion, confusion, and disappointment in the students. Therefore, as Christians who value honoring God in our labors, we have learned from the field of Second Language Acquisition (particularly the theory of "Comprehensible Input")  and the importance of using pictures and stories for enhancing student joy in the learning process.


Sawyer Moranville

Sawyer was raised in Montana. He began to study Koine Greek, Classical Hebrew, and Classical Latin at Southern Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky which eventually led to receiving an M.Div. After graduating, he moved to Jerusalem with his wife to study more Hebrew (where their first child was also born). His studies in Israel led to a Master's degree in Classical Hebrew through the Institute for Biblical Languages and Translation (IBLT; now, the Whole Word Institute).  


Being a mountain lover (having been raise in Montana), husband, father, and Biblical Hebrew teacher, he currently resides with his family in the Greater Philly Metro area and serves as a director of Youth Education at Graterford Bible Fellowship Church. When he is not working his day jobs or spending time with his family and church, he is writing and producing Beit Av and other projects.



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Lingua Deo Gloria Ministries  is a 501(c)(3) organization. All contributions are tax deductible, non-refundable, and will be applied where most needed within Lingua Deo Gloria’s program activities. Our Federal ID is 99-1600948.

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